The food and beverage industry is one of the most demanding when it comes to the materials allowed for their processing, applications and finished product
The paper industry plays a very prominent role in the world economy the same way Uni Klinger Gasket division plays very important role in pulp & paper industry.
Uni Klinger is trusted name in sealing technology in India & Graphite foil is one of the product which has unique properties having texture like paper which is smooth in appearance.
There are many critical applications in chemical industries which is directly related to personal safety. Uni Klinger provide excellent sealing solution for critical application
Klinger SLF is material consists of two layers of flexible graphite and a 0.3 mm thick high temperature resistant and fiber based insert. UKL-SLF is recommended for applications in which minimal fugitive emission is required.
Sealing Technology is very much important in Initial Engineering Phase. Uni Klinger can provide suitable, Optimum & standard solution during engineering phase to meet customer’s/user’s requirement & expectations.
Uni Klinger provide the sealing solution safety to equipment, reliability to mining industries, lower downtime costs thus make it more important than ever to minimize maintenance reliability. UKL meet the challenges with expertise and advanced solutions in sealing,
PTFE is a excellent performance polymer with very high versatile properties that make it very useful material in different types of industrial applications.