Giving back to Society & People
At Uni Klinger Ltd. , our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives are focusing on improving life of unprivileged community neighboring to our business units. We mainly focus on Health, Education and Environment.
The Company engages with the community at two levels. At the first level and with the active involvement of its employees through conducting various programs and activities in and around its all business unit locations.
At the next level, the Company conducts social programs through the Maneckji and Shirinbai Neterwala Foundation (MSNF), a public charitable trust. The trust provides medical aid to the needy and poor, educational loans, domestic and overseas scholarships for higher education. The trust has set up and operates a school for over six hundred students and a fifty bed hospital for the sick and the under privileged.

To actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate. In so doing build a better, sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of the societies.

We belive in the trusteeship concept and building economic, social, and environmental capital towards enhancing societal sustainabllity.
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Uni Klinger Ltd. is committed to advancing policies and systems across the company to ensure that all aspects of its CSR program relevant to its businesses are addressed and monitored.
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