Leak Tector

Leakage of costly fluids has been a major cause of concern to all industries.Apart from the monetary losses, such leaks are seen as damaging to the environment.

Valves and steam traps contribute to more than 90% of the fluid leaks. These leaks can either be across the seat causing process irregularities, or from the glands, bonnets and seals to the atmosphere. The damage caused is of substantially high value, especially for continuous-process industries.

The main contributors to this damage to environment is by:Safety Valve Leaks,Steam Trap Leaks, Control Valve Leaks

Fluid leaks, NOW, can be monitored online, with the latest patented technology from Bitherm,  the Spanish inventors.  Uni Klinger have made this technology available to Indian industries with a technological tie up with Bitherm.

Under this arrangement Leak Tector is available

Leak Tector is a portable gas or steam leak detector, designed for periodical survey of steam traps and valves. This ultrasound based  leak detector  detects abnormal vibrations on rotary machines, as well.

This ultrasound is captured and analyzed by the Leak tector microprocessor and finally shown its result on the LCD display, wrist mounted. The system is integrated by two components: probe and analyzer.

A novelty of Leak detector is its special verification function of thermodynamic steam traps, allowing the evaluation of the low energetic efficiency states (cycle too short) of this type of steam traps.

The concept of leak monitoring of valves and traps may be new to industries in India, but the losses and the financial impact is true universally.

The need of the hour is to cut down the stark losses and tighten the bottom line.

Uni Klinger team is committed to help take any lead to a meaningful end.

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  1. LT-3

    Portable Ultrasound Leak Detector

LeakTector is a portable instrument use to detect gas or steam leak, designed for periodical survey of steam traps and valves. It covers wide range of leaks, pressure or vacuum and any type of gas.
The device operation is extremely easy. It includes only one multifunction button and a turn on/off switch. The multifunction button allows selecting the sensitivity of the analyzer, which can be selected among six different ranges:

1. LP: (High sensitivity, for low pressure >15psig and < 50 psig).
2. MP: (Medium sensitivity, for medium pressure >50 psig and < 250 psig).
3. HP: (Low sensitivity, for high pressure >250 psig).
4. TD Specific function for Thermodynamic Steam traps.
1. Rechargeable Li-HM battery:1 x 9 VCC (PP3/6LF22, 9V/260 mAh).Continuous live: 87 hours (backlight off).
2. Non rechargeable Alkaline battery:1 x 9 VCC (PP3/6F22, 9V, 550mAh)Continuous live: 183 hours (backlight off).
1. Steam trap survey.
2. Gas and steam leaks detection.
3. Vibration detection in rotary machines.
Yes, it comes with a software called TrapHelp. This software helps the surveyor or the auditor to carry out detailed survey of steam traps