How Application Affects Steam Trap Selection
As there is different type of Steam trap and selection of correct trap may be difficult without studying proper operating condition .
For Trap selection data required is Temperature, Pressure, Discharge capacity, Trap type, Moc of body & other relevant factors if we follow above parameters it will lead to effective drain of condensate.
We had to follow 4 easy steps:
Step1 :
By discharge capacity requirement of steam trap wrt application .
Step 2:
Trap selection considering operating pressure temperature & other relevant conditions.
Step 3:
By calculating application load requirements & apply the trap manufacturing recommended safety factory.
Step 4:
Selection of trap on lowest life cycle cost.
Steam Trap Applications
The purpose of a steam trap is to discharge condensate from a steam system ( piping or equipment) while not permitting the escape of live steam whether it may Steam using process & comfort heating equipment.
Different Steam Trap Applications:
Depending upon process application steam trap selection is done.
Steam Distribution piping:
Role of steam distribution piping is to supply good quality steam to steam using equipment. Prevent
water hammering in steam pipe line is main role of steam trap which can done by selecting a trap which is designed to prevent condensate from pooling.
Steam-heated Equipment :
We had to select a trap which shorten start up time and does not allow condensate to enter into equipment causing uneven heating, low heat transfer,& other similar problems. Continuous discharge condensate are recommended for these applications.
In such application we can face stagnant start up
Due to air presence to overcome this air vent to be fitted which will remove air & non condensable gases trapped in equipment.
Other possibility of steam heated equipment will face is modulating steam supply which is control by control valve, which adjust the process.
For Tracer Lines :
Steam trap for tracing lines are typical because they used copper piping for heating & maintaining the viscousity of fluidity below 100deg.
Power-drive equipment :
Power driven equipments such as Turbines which used in Compressor, Pump & Generators applications, In Power driven application condensate should be discharge quickly or it may enter equipment & damage it.
Summary Table of Applications and Steam Trap Requirements
Product | Trap Requirements | Application |
Thermodynamic Steam Traps UTD55, UTD62 |
Steam distribution piping |
Ball Float Steam Traps Inverted Bucket Steam Traps |
Steam heating equipment No stall. |
Ball Float Steam Traps |
Power-driven Equipment - Positive Pressure |
Thermostatic Steam Traps |
High Tempearature Tracer lines. |