Exciting facts about condensate
We believe on power of knowledge Steam education is important now a day for better productivity, cost saving & maintain healthy environment.
Condensate is part of steam, here we learn some interesting & exciting fact about condensate as under:
1:Reduce, reuse,recyle condensate to increase efficiency
One beauty of improving a plant's energy efficiency is to increase the condensate returned to the boiler. Upto 10-20% fuel consumption reduce by this method . As more condensate is returned, less makeup water is required, saving fuel and chemical treatment costs. Less condensate discharged into a sewer system reduces disposal costs. Return of high-purity condensate also reduces energy losses due to boiler blow down..
2: Proper use of condensate produces saving& gain profit:
Proper management of condensate by condensate recovery will gives.
- Improve energy efficiency
- Reduce chemical cost
- Reduce make-up water costs
- Reduce sewer system disposal costs
- Meet environmental regulations
3: Save Environment:
Hot condensate being lost also has an environmental impact, if this is discharged to a nearby river. In most countries’ hot condensate discharge of this type carries serious penalties and is not good for wildlife in the river.
3: Steam Trap & Condensate:
Steam trap is one of the condensate recovery devices used to discharge condensate and non-condensable gases with a negligible consumption or loss of live steam, a steam trap is an automatic valve designed to stop the flow of steam so that heat energy can be transferred, and the condensate and air can be discharged as required.