Even a relatively new steam Trap seemingly in a new condition can fail if applied incorrectly. This can be understood by seeing the difference between the live steam or simply looking the flash steam.
Generally, there are large amount of in accurate and misleading information has been written on energy losses in steam traps.
Condensate return is an essential operation in any closed loop steam system. Steam that has lost its latent heat will collect in the piping system as hot liquid water (condensate).
A steam trap is an automatic device that discharges condensate generated during processes and in steam transport lines while preventing any steam from escaping ('trapping' the steam).
Steam traps are used to trap steam & allow discharge of condensates and non-condensable gases with a negligible consumption or loss of live steam from steam piping.
Sealed Steam Traps optimally designed for complete removal of condensate. UIBT-28US series inverted bucket steam traps are manufactured in complete stainless steel construction.
In inverted bucket steam traps, the bucket within the trap is attached to a lever that opens and closes the trap valve in response to the bucket’s motion.