Sealed Steam Traps optimally designed for complete removal of condensate. UIBT-28US series inverted bucket steam traps are manufactured in complete stainless steel construction.
This particular section focuses on minimum Safety Factor to be considered as per condensate load & accordingly selecting type of the steam trap. This selection helps to address during the sudden surge in the process.
UKL pumping terminology includes Static Head and vapour pressure including detail of operation, application. UKL has also described benefits of mechanical condensate pumps against electrical centrifugal maintenance cost occurring.
Air vents are available in a wide variety of sizes, end connections and construction materials.
In inverted bucket steam traps, the bucket within the trap is attached to a lever that opens and closes the trap valve in response to the bucket’s motion.
UKL APT is a device having the combined features of a conventional steam trap and a pump
UKL Ball Float Trap discharge condensate near to steam saturation temperature, which works on the principle of Buoyancy.