Selection of steam trap is very important subject in Steam engineering. Especially in the equipment where steam is the heating source there you need to select proper steam trap & accessories otherwise the equipment will not work effectively.
Now we will discuss or advice on trap selection for different process equipment like boiling panes, retorts, digesters, copper vessel, reboilers, evaporators, autoclave, and vulcanisers.
Tilting Process pane:
Removal of condenser in the tilting pan is very important. Along with condenser removal air should remove from the pan. So for removal of air need to install balanced pressure air vent.
And best suitable condensate trap will be ball float type with steam lock release arrangement. In this system traps mainly installed by putting siphon at the bottom of the pan. Second suitable option will be inverted bucket trap.
Autoclave system:
Industry autoclave is mainly using for curing process. For this process need to give steam heating and also need to remove air and moisture from the system.
So proper draining of condensate is required. For that purpose the best suggestive trap will be ball float with steam lock release arrangement. Air vent also suggested at the top of autoclave.
For removal of condensate digester the best suitable trap will be ball float with steam lock release and thermostatic vent arrangement. Second steam trap option will be automatic pumping trap and third option will be inverted bucket steam trap.
Copper Vessel:
In brewery industry the distillation process will be pass through copper vessel where steam heating is required. Here indirect steam heating involve and for that purpose ball float is the best option steam trap. Inverted bucket steam trap can also be use.
In evaporator system best suitable steam trap will be ball float trap with steam lock release and air vent arrangement for removal of condensate.
It is mainly used in rubber industries. Vulcanizer chamber can become acidic.
Ball float trap is still the best choice, or an inverted bucket trap with a separate air vent in parallel. Whichever is chosen, it should be of stainless steel construction to provide resistance to corrosive attack.
Condensate must be dumped to waste due to contamination.
The entry of steam at one end of the chamber makes it necessary to have air vents at high level at the opposite end of the chamber as well as within (or around) the trap. Ball should have with steam lock release & air vent arrangement.