Steam Engineering Services

Steam Engineering Services

For more than 130 years, KLINGER has been providing Utility System Solutions and Optimization to Global customers through Products, Training and Services. Uni Klinger Limited offers solutions for Fluid Control as well as Fluid Sealing through our two Divisions viz. FLUID CONTROL & FLUID SEALING DIVISIONS respectively.

Uni Klinger Limited caters to various utilities in the Industries, which include Steam & Condensate, Hot water, Heat transfer Media, Air, Fatty acids, all kind of chemicals and many more.

Utility Energy Audit has supreme importance for any organization who wishes to reduce its operating cost without compromising on quality of the throughput. Energy Audits are based on the four fundamental principles viz. Measure, Analyze, Implement and Monitor.

Energy Audits create benchmarks and compare it with the World Leader scores in order to analyse the present condition of the Plant. Uni Klinger Ltd helps YOU to benchmark the present Energy consumption and understand the potential reduction measures that can be practically implemented.

A Utility Energy Audit is a basic tool to find out the energy resources that are getting waste and hence, Energy Audit emerges as a helping tool to identify the losses, its quantification, providing the insight for its reduction and finally reduce the operating cost of the Plant that directly increases the bottom line of the industries.

Uni Klinger, with the belief in our strength of ubiquitous product range, we ensure our customers to reduce their Specific Energy Consumption and sustained results of utility consumption reduction.


Energy audit should be done to optimize energy consumption, to stop energy wastage and to improve energy efficiency of process equipments thereby increasing process efficiency (Productivity improvement), thus reducing the Utility cost, thereby Monetary Savings with minimal environmental impact. Frequency of Energy Audit should be minimum once in a year to sustain the savings achieved as well as to upgrade to the new technologies.

Group trapping of equipments should be avoided as the equipment will operate at different pressures as well as different loads resulting in blockage of condensate from low pressure as well as from lesser condensate load line. This should be converted to individual trapping. Individual trapping lowers process time and reduce the system maintenance, condensate holdup being corrossive.

High TDS levels in the Boiler Drum lead to froth formation on steaming surface thereby resulting in water carry over which increases the moisture content of steam. Wet steam reduces the process efficiency thereby increases fuel consumption and water carryover results in water hammering as well.

Normally visible steam leaks are quantified using CHT (Center for Higher Technology) method. A 1 m(One meter) plume length leakage results in 57 Tons of steam loss annually. Small leaks cost big money, arrest it immediately.

Tappings for steam traps should be taken through correctly sized drain pockets. It provides larger space for high density and high velocity (Steam velocity) condensate and dirt particles to properly trapped into the pocket and ensures effective condensate removal through steam trap to provide better steam quality and optimum process efficiencies thus reduced fuel bills.

Steam line tappings for equipment must always be taken from the top of steam pipes to avoid entry of condensate. This ensures quality steam entering the process equipment as well as optimum process efficiencies and thus reduces fuel bills and process time.

Using steam at the lowest possible pressure for indirect heat exchange reduces the steam requirement and thus the fuel consumption. This is because latent heat increases with decrease in steam pressure and also latent heat is the useful heat available for indirect heating.

Condensate holds approximately 20% of the fuel energy. Also condensate is pure water which does not need water treatment thereby reducing water treatment chemicals as well as results in water savings, reduces environment impact. Return condensate as soon as it is formed. Holding condensate in collection tanks reduces the condensate temperature via radiation losses, instead pump the condensate as soon as it is formed using Steam/Air powered pumps, which are capabale of handling higher temperatures.

When high pressure condensate comes to low pressure, flash steam is generated. Eventhough flash steam is only about 10% by mass, it holds 50% of the energy content. Recover flash steam to utilize this energy and thus reduce fuel consumption thereby reducing fuel bills.

Return hot condensate back to feed water tank, once steam give off its latent heat for indirect process heating application. Besides saving 20% of fuel energy, it reduces make up water usage and cuts feed water treatment bills (Water treatment Chemicals), condensate being pure with almost nil TDS theoretically.

Higher Pipe sizes results in high condensation loss and low velocity results in energy wastage thus economic loss as well as high initial investment. Lower pipe sizing results in high velocity which is not safe. Always go with optimum pipe size.

Both under and over sizing of steam mains has adverse impact on distribution. Long saturated steam distribution lines should be sized on pressure drop method as the pressure at the user end will be key factor. For longer pipe runs pressure drop will be considerable, thus it will be always better to go with pressure drop method.

As the name suggest steam trap traps steam and discharges condensate. Installation is very important like selection. If steam trap is not installed correctly, results in improper condensate removal, live steam leakage thus resulting in process inefficiency thus affecting product quality, process time resulting in economic loss.